Fun at the Ballpark

New Covered Grandstand: Bring your collapsible chair and site in style under our new covered alternate grandstand located down the 3rd baseline! (picture below)

Kid's Waterslide: Located in right field corner. Bring "swim bag" so your children can enjoy!!! (rated for less than 150 lbs) 

***There will not be an attendant at the slide so please accompany your child(ren)..... much like a park, use the slide at your own risk***

Roso Theater: will be playing a FREE movie (The Sandlot) on Saturday, July 29 at 1:00pm

Caricaturist: Friday, July 28 11:00 am- 5:00 pm in the vendor row. $20 per sketch with option of Legion State Baseball logo background. Cash or Venmo

Cornhole Hole in One Contest: Win a set of boards and bags!
